Today's Puzzle

Daily Printable Crossword Puzzle - 05-10-2024


1. Added years
5. Judges weight by lifting
9. Engine
14. Live wire
15. Overly suave
16. Be crazy about
17. Angel's circle
18. Capturing device
19. Back related
20. Besides
21. 18-wheeler
22. Baseball flub
23. Balloon sound
25. Govt. cops
27. Frisky
31. Football stat
36. Blazed a trail
37. Coll. social group
39. Teamster
40. Metric foot
42. Barn dweller's query
44. Anne Frank's father
45. Just make, as a living
48. Amusing story
51. Came down with
52. High powered
54. Central idea
56. Actress Thompson
57. Air hero
58. Hot dip
62. Expression of alarm
65. Dried gully
69. South American rodent
70. Wine served warm
71. Canary or wren
72. Dead minister's half year pay
73. Not fer
74. Baal or Mammon
75. Printed matters
76. Knelled
77. Get a glimpse of


1. Mideast title
2. Target
3. Electric fish
4. Hanging down
5. Henry IV character
6. Celts' land
7. Two-note drumbeat
8. Embody the characteristics
9. Portuguese wine
10. Bouquet
11. Unit of pressure
12. Approximation words
13. Aft
24. Disconnected
26. Crank's comment
27. Practiced a trade
28. Not waterproof
29. Jingle writers
30. Bar concern
32. A pair
33. Granting that, for short
34. Try to say
35. Carve a canyon
38. Biblical possessive
41. Animal squeezer
43. Acorn bearer
46. Sideways colons
47. Bind
49. Monopoly railroad
50. Where the IRT runs
53. Calpurnia's husband
55. Tenderfoot in cyberspace
58. Fitzgerald specialty
59. Excellent
60. Long legged cat
61. Petty dispute
63. Super enthusiastic
64. Related by blood
66. Benefits
67. Descend
68. Without much effort