Today's Puzzle

Daily Printable Crossword Puzzle - 05-04-2024


1. Cyclist Armstrong
6. Company hotshot
10. Big pitcher
14. Coldly distant
15. Apiece
16. Commercial paper
17. Bar setting
18. Be a blacksmith
19. Ladled lunch
20. Lane co-worker
21. Acidic
22. A sound of music
23. Change copy
25. Carol
27. Pointed weapon
30. Instant house
34. Brief intro
35. Excellent
38. Angry state
39. Brooding individual
40. The Devil
43. And also not
44. Caravansary
45. Baal or Mammon
46. Not quite
48. Circular wagon camp
51. Bristly plant
52. Contract variety
54. Live wire
55. Dishwasher cycle
58. From the top
60. Closed
64. Commit a gaff
65. Blueprint data
66. Onetime pupa
67. Clamping device
68. Kilimanjaro, e.g.
69. Car race
70. Prop for Jack and Jill
71. A chorister
72. Opposing positions


1. Ain't got
2. Balm ingredient
3. It could be proper
4. Retinue
5. Young newt
6. Infatuated
7. Diamond Head island
8. Reject with derision
9. Common pronoun
10. Store grain
11. Barking sound
12. Tailor's case
13. Gym counts
21. Formal address
22. Him's opposite
24. Car dealer's model
26. Cartel since 1961
27. A British doctorate
28. Activity area
29. He's ----- get it!
31. End
32. Came up
33. Emerald, for one
35. Annex
36. John's Yoko
37. Love, in a sense
41. Former Italian currency
42. Banjo locale
47. Crew member
49. Unquestionable statement
50. Bard's before
51. AAA task
53. Coat front
54. Kind of lizard
55. Invitation encl.
56. Bones in pelvises
57. Unless, to Cicero
59. Clean and tidy
61. Come to a standstill
62. Citrus hybrid
63. Playthings
65. Bath, for one
66. Alternative to 401k